Reading 1820 Blogs Daily!

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May 18, 2023
Recovery – and the story of my Website from JustPlainLaine

Back in the fall of 2022, I woke up one morning to a website that was no longer there.  It was completely and utterly gone.

I didn’t panic at first, because there is always a backup.  Right?  Always a backup.  Except when there isn’t.

I reachout out to my provider and was informed that my “basic” package did not include automatic backups and how lucky I was that it took 12 years to crash and burn.  Somehow I didn’t feel so lucky.

My blog was more like a memory keeper for me, so I wasn’t really ...

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February 6, 2022
New technique and new project from Quilting & Learning

Did I say that I would try to stop starting new projects? I'm sure that it's in writing somewhere but, oh well, I am having too much fun learning new techniques and playing with fabric!

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June 15, 2021
What I’ve Learned From the Pandemic… from Where Art & Life Meet

I was having coffee with a friend the other day when he began a sentence with, “What I’ve learned from the pandemic…” Now this is a dear friend who also became very, very ill when the pandemic hit New York City, so much so that there were a few nights when it didn’t seem likely […]

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March 7, 2021
IG Quilt Fest ~ Day 7 ~ Lessons Learned ~ Sew Your Own Way from Life in the Scrapatch

Sew Your Own Way

(to the tune of "Go Your Own Way")

#IGQuiltFest2021 ~ Day 7 ~ Lessons Learned 

This prompt took me down a few paths.

I finally decided to take a walk in the park with my

 Checkers in the Park Quilt

which sits as a freebie on my sidebar.

I love this quilt.

It lives in my large picnic basket waiting for a new adventure.

I hope in the warm weather this year that it gets more out and about

 than it did last year.  

Maybe I should make some picnic masks and add them to the basket.

I ...

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January 4, 2021
What I learned in 2020 from Quilting & Learning

I suspect that everyone has been feeling a little off balance this year. I went from periods of incredible productivity to periods of total lethargy. Sometimes these periods lasted weeks and sometimes it was all within a few days or hours. 

Without consciously choosing it, my word of the year for 2020 was Frenzy!

What I learned in 2020

The year started as every other year. I had been working from home since the beginning of December 2019, but had no idea at the time that in a few months everyone else would be doing the same!

Small Projects

This ...

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